What is OI? Organoid Intelligence (OI) is a newly developed technology that connects human brain cells grown in-vitro to the impressive computational power of artificial intelligence. The linking of these two technologies has created new potentials across industries, but is perhaps most relevant, at this stage, to the treatment of neurological disorders. While currently in its nascent stages, the technology’s trajectory suggests a future where OI could play a crucial role in various sectors beyond the biomedical. The synergy between organic and artificial intelligence opens up unprecedented possibilities, OI has the potential to power next-generation computing systems that demand far less energy than traditional silicon-based computers, dramatically reducing the environmental footprint of our current computing infrastructure.

OI’s Impact Organoid Intelligence (OI) marks a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of artificial intelligence, blending biomedical breakthroughs, specifically microphysiological systems (MPS), with rapidly advancing computational technology. By harnessing the capabilities of miniature brain organoids cultivated in-vitro, OI has the potential not only in powering next-generation computing systems but also to offer critical insights into complex neurological conditions. This fusion of MPS and computational technology paves the way towards better understanding of brain functions, disease modeling, and drug discovery. Recognizing the transformative potential of OI, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing has established this website as a central hub for researchers, technologists, ethicists, and policymakers. Our mission is to foster an interdisciplinary collaboration that will spearhead the development and ethical deployment of OI technologies. Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of resources, research findings, ethical considerations, and a platform for dialogue aimed at navigating the challenges and maximizing the benefits of this exciting new field.

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